Those who injure or intimidate other people in Missouri might find themselves facing assault charges. Third parties or the other person involved in the incident might contact law enforcement. If police officers arrest someone because they believe an assault occurred,...

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Criminal Defense
Getting drug possession charges dropped in Missouri
On Behalf of Travis Noble, P.C. | Jun 20, 2024 | Criminal Defense
Facing charges of drug possession can cause confusion and anxiety. Even if things might appear bleak, knowing the right information can help make sense of the situation. It may also offer some comfort, especially when it comes to getting drug possession charges...
Is Possession of a Controlled Substance a Felony in Missouri?
On Behalf of Travis Noble, P.C. | Feb 15, 2024 | Criminal Defense
Possession of a controlled substance in Missouri can lead to serious legal consequences. Under Missouri law, the severity of the offense varies by the type and amount of the substance involved. Classification of Missouri drug felonies ranges from Class A to Class D....
Why do college students use illegal drugs?
On Behalf of Travis Noble, P.C. | Nov 28, 2023 | Criminal Defense
Parents of college students often worry about illegal drug use. They know that it happens on college campuses. And they also generally understand how serious the ramifications of an arrest can be and the impact it can have on a young person’s future. But despite these...
When might a criminal defendant forfeit their bond?
On Behalf of Travis Noble, P.C. | May 14, 2023 | Criminal Defense
Once police have probable cause to suspect that a crime has occurred, they can arrest someone whom they believe violated the law. They will give the evidence they have collected to a prosecutor, and a prosecutor will likely begin the process of pursuing criminal...
3 surprising ways you can end up drugged driving
On Behalf of Gabris Law | Apr 4, 2023 | Criminal Defense
You’d never get behind the wheel after drinking, and you’ve never taken illicit drugs in your life – but you can still end up charged with a DWI (driving while intoxicated) due to drugged driving through simple mistakes. How could this happen? Let’s explore some...
Can I be charged with assault after a barfight?
On Behalf of Travis Noble, P.C. | Nov 23, 2022 | Criminal Defense
Bars are fun places for adults who want to get away for a little bit. Whether you’re going for a nightcap after work or partying with friends on the weekend, it’s important that you remember to behave like an adult. Sometimes, issues in bars lead to barfights. In some...
Do you have to let the police search your home or vehicle?
On Behalf of Travis Noble, P.C. | Nov 14, 2022 | Criminal Defense
Say a police officer has pulled over your vehicle or knocked on the front door of your house. The officer asks to search inside. Do you have to comply? The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution protects you and your property from unreasonable searches and seizures....
The right to a jury: why is it important?
On Behalf of Travis Noble, P.C. | Sep 24, 2020 | Criminal Defense
No matter what kind of criminal case you are facing, you want to ensure the best possible outcome for acquittal. No one wants jail time, probation or even fines. The U.S. Constitution offers us many protections and opportunities when we have been charged with a crime....
7 factors that can raise your BAC over .08
On Behalf of Travis Noble, P.C. | Sep 18, 2020 | Criminal Defense, Drunk Driving, DWI Defense
Every driver knows they should not drive while drunk. However, not everyone who is charged with drunk driving feels they were legally intoxicated or impaired. After all, how can anyone really tell whether their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.07 percent of 0.08...
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