Missouri DWI Conviction Statistics
DWI statistics in Missouri reveal some interesting facts. In 2012, a total of 12,977 misdemeanor DWI cases (charge 474200) were disposed of in Missouri circuit courts and the associate circuit division. Of these, 11,565 cases resulted in guilty pleas and guilty verdicts. That means that 1,412 cases resulted in something other than a guilty plea or guilty verdict.
In other words, 10.9 percent of misdemeanor DWI charges in 2012 resulted in a dismissal, reduction to a nonalcohol driving offense or an acquittal.*
You May Be Able To Avoid A DWI Conviction
As the statistics show, being convicted of DWI is not a foregone conclusion. Even if you blew over .08, it may be possible to avoid a conviction and its negative consequences. Before pleading guilty to DWI, get legal help from an experienced DWI defense attorney.
Travis Noble has a successful record defending people accused of misdemeanor and felony DWI. Mr. Noble takes a strategic approach to DWI defense, carefully examining every factual and legal issue that could enable his clients to avoid conviction. Travis Noble will fight for your rights and freedom every step of the way.
Winning A DWI Case
Some of the many potentially successful DWI defense strategies include the following:
- Did the police have reasonable suspicion to stop you?
- Were the field sobriety tests conducted properly?
- Did the police have probable cause to believe that you were impaired?
- Are there medical reasons that could explain your demeanor and behavior after the stop?
- Are the breath test results admissible in court?
Travis Noble will work diligently to obtain the best possible outcome for you.
Contact A St. Louis Drunk Driving Defense Lawyer
For a free consultation about a DWI case in the Greater St. Louis area, contact Travis Noble, P.C. Call now at 314-450-7849 or 314-450-7849.
*Though this figure does not take into consideration the 2012 cases that were continued into 2013, it does include the cases that were continued from 2011 and disposed of in 2012. The logical conclusion is that the numbers even out and that 10 to 11 percent of misdemeanor cases result in a dismissal, reduction to a nonalcohol driving offense or a not guilty verdict.