People who regularly enjoy alcohol may underestimate the level of their intoxication. Many people develop a tolerance for alcohol. They may feel and look less impaired than others might be after drinking the same amount. However, their blood alcohol concentration...

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St. Louis DWI Law Blog
The role of witnesses in fighting a DWI charge in Missouri
On Behalf of Travis Noble, P.C. | Feb 11, 2025 | DWI Defense
When facing DWI charges in Missouri, various types of witnesses can significantly impact your case's outcome. From law enforcement officers to medical professionals, these individuals can strengthen or challenge the evidence against you. Independent eyewitnesses like...
How social media activity can impact a DWI case
On Behalf of Travis Noble, P.C. | Feb 5, 2025 | DWI Defense
A DWI conviction can drastically alter your life. It can affect your job, reputation and ability to drive. You might face hefty fines, lose your driver’s license or even spend time in jail. Given these potential consequences, it’s crucial to proceed carefully. One way...
The top mistakes drivers make at sobriety checkpoints
On Behalf of Travis Noble, P.C. | Jan 24, 2025 | Drunk Driving
Drivers generally want to reach their destinations as quickly as possible. They may plan their routes to avoid construction and other obstacles. Unfortunately, drivers on busy roads or approaching particularly well-traveled intersections could encounter a police...
3 things drivers should know about field sobriety tests
On Behalf of Travis Noble, P.C. | Jan 18, 2025 | Drunk Driving
Field sobriety tests are a standard part of drunk driving traffic stops. Police officers who believe someone is under the influence of alcohol may ask the driver to step out of their vehicle. They may then guide the driver through a series of tests to determine if...
How a DWI Conviction Can Affect Your Job and Future Employment
On Behalf of Travis Noble, P.C. | Dec 27, 2024 | DWI Defense
If you get a DWI, you may start by considering the immediate ramifications. You could end up spending time behind bars. You may lose your driver’s license. You could have to pay significant financial fines, and your car insurance payments could go up. But it’s...
Can You Seal or Expunge a DWI Record in Missouri?
On Behalf of Travis Noble, P.C. | Dec 26, 2024 | DWI Law
Many people who get a DWI in Missouri have a criminal record forever. If a prospective employer runs a background check, for instance, the DWI conviction shows up. This can cause all sorts of complications in the future. However, it is possible to expunge your record....
Can medication tolerance affect prescription DWI charges?
On Behalf of Travis Noble, P.C. | Dec 19, 2024 | DWI Defense
The human body is capable of adjusting to many unusual circumstances. People with chronic medical conditions learn to work around their functional limitations. Those in high-demand professions eventually acclimate to the intensity of their job tasks. People who...
3 reasons a drink on the way home from work could lead to a DWI
On Behalf of Travis Noble, P.C. | Dec 18, 2024 | Drunk Driving
Driving while intoxicated (DWI) charges can result from crashes or from one-on-one traffic stops. People who display impaired driving ability are at risk of arrest. Motorists can also face charges if they fail a chemical test even if they can still drive normally....
Is field sobriety testing during a traffic stop mandatory?
On Behalf of Travis Noble, P.C. | Nov 25, 2024 | DWI Law
Police officers are typically eager to find proof of criminal activity. They ask people leading questions and may try to trick them into giving up their basic rights. Those subject to law enforcement investigation or stopped in traffic need to know how to...
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