Experienced DWI Expungement Attorney
Are you haunted or held back by a DWI that happened more than a decade ago? Are you worried that a poor decision to drink and drive when you were younger will come to light or cost you a job?
Most states do not allow convictions for alcohol-related driving offenses to be purged. Missouri does allow expungement of a DWI, DUI or BAC (blood alcohol content) offense if it happened at least 10 years ago and you have since kept your record clean.
Do You Qualify To Clear Your Criminal Record?
Expungement is a complex legal process with strict criteria and many barriers. Travis Noble, P.C., focuses almost exclusively on DWI law. We can determine if you qualify to clear an old drunk driving conviction from your record and shepherd your case through the court system.
Based in St. Louis, we can handle DWI expungements statewide. Call us today at 314-450-7849 to arrange a free case evaluation.
St. Louis DWI Expungement Lawyer · Missouri DWI Dismissal Attorney
A DWI on your record may show up when potential employers or other parties perform a criminal background check. While it may seem like ancient history to you, the conviction can cause problems for employment, professional licenses, military service and even volunteer activities.
Missouri has also instituted a lifetime look-back. This means that a DWI at any time in your past counts as a prior offense — unless the conviction has been expunged.
Under the Missouri Revised Statutes, first-time offenders may be eligible to have an old conviction expunged (wiped from their record). There are three baseline criteria to even apply for expungement:
- At least 10 years have passed since the date of conviction.
- The driver has not had another alcohol-related charge ( DWI, DUI or BAC offense) since the conviction, including offenses in other states.
- The driver has not previously expunged a DWI.
Expungement applies to a conviction at trial or a guilty plea, a conviction set aside through a diversion program, dismissal of charges prior to trial, and arrest records and fingerprints relating to an alcohol offense. Expungement does not apply to license suspension or revocation for DWI or refusal of a breath test — your civil driving record is not expungeable.
Expunging Old Arrests, Dismissals Or Convictions For Drunk Driving
We represent people in the Greater St. Louis area and throughout Missouri. Call the law firm of Travis Noble, P.C., at 314-450-7849 or contact us online to arrange a free consultation with attorney Travis L. Noble