First-Time DWI In Missouri Attorney
A drunk driving arrest is frightening and intimidating. You are right to be worried about the long-term consequences, even for a first-time DWI. But you should not make the mistake of simply pleading guilty or taking a bad plea deal. With experienced legal counsel, you can fight a DWI or limit the impact on your life.
We Take Every DWI Case Seriously
St. Louis criminal defense lawyer Travis L. Noble is known statewide and nationwide for his remarkable results in DWI defense. He will exhaust every opportunity to make your first-time DWI “go away.” If he can’t get charges dismissed, he has the experience to negotiate on your behalf or defend you at trial.
Travis Noble, P.C., serves St. Louis, St. Charles and the Greater St. Louis area, and we consult in DWI cases throughout the United States. For a free consultation, call 314-450-7849.
Aggressive Defense · St. Louis First DWI Attorney
A first offense of driving while intoxicated by alcohol (DWI) or driving under the influence of drugs (DUI) cannot be taken lightly. The possible consequences of a conviction include:
- A class B misdemeanor criminal record
- Criminal penalties, including jail and fines
- Loss of your driver’s license
- Higher auto insurance premiums
- Consequences for current or future employment
- Sanctions against professional licenses
- Public embarrassment
- Other unforeseen ramifications
Conviction for a first-time DWI also sets you up for major consequences if you are ever arrested again on suspicion of impaired driving.
We represent a broad spectrum of clients, including people who cannot afford even one DWI on their record: professionals, public officials, athletes, celebrities, truck drivers and college students. Travis Noble will apply proven DWI defense strategies to get your DWI dismissed or reduced. If the prosecution has a strong case, he will pursue plea deals that keep the DWI off your record and mitigate the penalties.
A first-offense DWI carries a 90-day license suspension, with 30 days of hard suspension before you can qualify for a restricted driver’s license for the remainder. We fight the criminal case and the administrative license hearing. In many cases, we can prevent our clients from ever losing their driving privileges.
First-Time DWI In Missouri? Contact Trial Lawyer Travis L. Noble.
We take every DWI seriously, and we start with the mind set of dismissal or acquittal. Call us at 314-450-7849 to arrange a free consultation or contact us online. We handle DWI cases in St. Louis County, St. Charles County and Jefferson County and throughout Missouri.
Past results afford no guarantee of future results and every case is different and must be judged on its own merits. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. This disclosure is required by rule of the Supreme Court of Missouri..