Photo Of Attorneys At Travis Noble, P.C. P.C.
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- Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus
- Walk and Turn and One Leg Stand
- Elimination and Absorption of Alcohol
- Use of the DOR Form 2389/Alcohol Influence Report (AIR) and Narrative
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- Why Not Plead Guilty To DWI?
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Our Practice Areas
What We Do
- DWI/Drunk Driving Defense
- Aggravated DWI
- Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)
- BWI (Boating While Intoxicated)
- Celebrity And Public Official DWI Cases
- Challenging DWI Arrests In Missouri
- Driver’s License Restoration
- DUI Under The Influence Of Drugs
- DWI Accidents
- DWI Articles
- Voir Dire
- Opening Statement
- Cross Examination of the Arresting Officer
- Vehicle in Motion
- Initial Observations
- Field Sobriety Tests
- Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus
- Walk and Turn and One Leg Stand
- Elimination and Absorption of Alcohol
- Use of the DOR Form 2389/Alcohol Influence Report (AIR) and Narrative
- Jury Considerations
- Blood Tests
- Breath Test
- Refusal
- Defendants Evidence
- Closing Arguments
- DWI Collateral Consequences
- DWI Defense
- DWI Defense Strategies
- DWI With Child Endangerment
- Felony DWI
- First-Time DWI In Missouri
- Forms Of Impairment
- Glossary of DWI Terms
- Military DWI
- Refusal Of Breath Test
- The DWI Court Process
- Underage Drinking And Driving
- Unlawful Police Stops
- What To Do If You Are Pulled Over For DWI In Missouri
- Why Not Plead Guilty To DWI?
- Criminal Defense
- Personal Injury
- Family Law
Why hire Travis L. Noble?
He has a proven record of fighting the toughest DWI cases.
View Full Profile
Travis L. Noble is a graduate of the National College for DUI Defense at Harvard University, and he lectures at seminars nationwide on DWI/DUI topics. He is the lawyer whom other lawyers consult to defend their DWI clients. Most importantly, he has a track record of successfully defending some of the toughest DWI cases in Missouri and beyond.
Real Results
Winning Cases They Say Can't Be Won
Professional athletes, celebrities and high-profile clients
Doctors, lawyers, judges and police officers
Commercial drivers (CDL)
Clients facing jail or prison for a
felony DWI
felony DWI