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Should you drive home after a happy hour hangout with friends?

On Behalf of | Aug 23, 2024 | BAC

If you work a 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. job, unwinding with friends at a happy hour is likely one of the go-to ways that you let off steam after a long workday. However, you may have found yourself facing a dilemma during your hangouts: should you drive home after a few drinks?

You are likely aware that the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for drunk driving is 0.08%. However, you might be surprised how easily you can exceed this threshold. Understanding how alcohol affects your BAC and the risks associated with driving under the influence can be pivotal when it comes to making safe decisions.

How quickly can your BAC reach 0.08%?

The main determiners of how quickly your BAC can rise are:

  • The number of drinks you consume
  • Your weight
  • Your gender
  • Your metabolism rate
  • Whether you’ve eaten

The standard rate at which the average person metabolizes alcohol is about 0.015% BAC per hour. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that alcohol affects everyone differently. Furthermore, other factors are at play, like:

  • Whether you ate before the hangout
  • If you’re consciously hydrating during the hangout
  • The rate of your drinking during the hangout

It’s also essential to consider that one drink isn’t always a standard serving size. A large glass of wine or a strong cocktail could contain two or more standard drinks, accelerating your BAC rise. Furthermore, women’s BAC tends to rise quicker than that of men due to differences in body composition and water content.

The risks of driving after drinking

Even when your BAC is below the legal limit, the alcohol in your bloodstream might have already:

  • Impaired your ability to focus
  • Slowed your reaction time
  • Reduced your coordination

For example, at a BAC of 0.05%, you may experience:

  • Difficulty steering
  • Reduced ability to track moving objects
  • Slower response to emergency situations

Once your BAC hits 0.08%, the risks multiply, with a significant decline in muscle coordination, judgment and self-control. Furthermore, you may run into DWI trouble on your way back home.

Running into DWI trouble on your way home from a happy hour hangout can turn a fun evening with friends into a nightmare. In such a predicament, you should have a skilled legal team in your corner to help mitigate any legal consequences that might stem from a DWI charge.

FindLaw Network
Travis L. Noble is a graduate of the National College for DUI Defense at Harvard University, and he lectures at seminars nationwide on DWI/DUI topics. He is the lawyer whom other lawyers consult to defend their DWI clients. Most importantly, he has a track record of successfully defending some of the toughest DWI cases in Missouri and beyond.

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