If a driver is convicted of driving under the influence, he or she may be required to wear a SCRAM bracelet. This acronym stands for Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring, and it is considered easier than in-person alcohol testing. It is generally attached to an individual’s ankle and will monitor a person’s sweat for the presence of alcohol.
These devices are generally given to drivers who are out of jail on parole, are given probation or as a condition of early release. In some cases, an individual who has been ordered to not drink alcohol by a judge may be given the choice of wearing the bracelet or showing up for in-person testing. Wearing the bracelet may make it easier for both the court to monitor individuals and the individual who has been ordered not to drink to comply with the order.
Once an hour, results from the bracelet will be downloaded or otherwise reviewed by a monitoring center. If the presence of alcohol is detected or the bracelet has been tampered with, the authorities will be notified. If confirmed, this could be seen as a violation of parole or probation. In most jurisdictions, the offender is required to pay for the bracelet.
Drivers who have been charged with DWI may face many consequences. It may be possible to spend time in jail, pay a fine or receive a license suspension or revocation. Drivers may also be subject to alcohol monitoring for several months after being released from jail. However, a DWI defense lawyer may be able to help a driver avoid some or all penalties. This may be done by arguing that a blood or breath test was done incorrectly or that a driver suffered from a medical condition that mimicked the effects of impairment.